Juan Carlos I of infanticide
Conservative Club in Lodz
Polish Official Group and Organization
Don Juan Carlos de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias, zwący and called the "crowned" atheistic democracy, "John Charles first" as the constitutional head of State, signed a March 5 (dated 3 March) by the Socialist government pushed through a new abortion law, more than ever the possibility of extending the killing of unborn babies in the womb of their mothers. That decision
D. Juan Carlos (who did not even try to face the resistance of the criminal law, although Spain's constitution does not expressly impose on him the obligation to sign any legislation passed by parliament), specifically "crowned" a series of betrayals committed by the time when - after the death of Gen. Francisco Franco - in his will was proclaimed King of Spain by the Cortes. Let us recall briefly the most important:
- violation of an oath of allegiance (filed as appointed to take over power the Prince of Spain) The organic laws of the Catholic state and the Principles of the National Movement, by agreeing to Transition toward a parliamentary monarchy and signing atheist Constitution of 1978;
- signing the law introducing divorce;
- the signing of the first abortion law;
- signing a law introducing the "marriage" between the sexual deviants;
- signature education law in making the school caves perversion.
Despite all the vices opposed to the holy Catholic faith, morality, natural law and the common good of peoples of Spain, the current Constitutional Head of State still uses, among the titles available to traditional rulers of Spain, the title of King Catholic ( El Rey Catolico ). In fact, he defiles the throne of Spain, and negates the true heritage of the Catholic kings, as Rekared, Pelayo, Alfonso VII, Ferdinand III, Alfonso X the Wise, Isabella the Catholic, Charles I and Philip II. His repeated acquiescence to evil openly disregards the warning largest Christian tradition of monarchical authority, Doctor of the Church of St. Thomas Aquinas: "Let, therefore, to understand by those who accepted the royal ministry that was in the realm of what the body and the soul and God in the world", and "that his state is to be guided by God's kingdom in the name of the court" (De regno , 13.4). This
and who is not guided by God's law and justice and should no longer be called "king", only a "tyrant." Kings (reges ) because - as he wrote to Saint. Isidore of Seville - "get their name from the good conduct ( agendo recta), so the name of the kings have the right to render, and are not entitled to sinners" ( sententiae, Fr. III, xlviii, 7), while a tyrant - he says Aquinas - is like a beast, "because it is no different from the beast the man who guided them in accordance with reason, but according to the wanton will of his soul "(De regno , 4.12).
from former tyrants, such as the murderer of the Innocents Herod or Nero, modern tyrants, like John Charles infanticide, only one difference: the tyranny of those who have held the real power stemmed from arrogance, tyranny "painted kings" in a democracy comes from their cowardice . The driving force behind the wickedness, which condone is the fear that the ruling on behalf of the "sovereign people" oligarchy partiokratyczna not deprived them of the remnants of this purely symbolic and representational functions of which they have been graciously allowed.
We can not and does not express the astonishment of the Episcopal Conference of Spain's position, which - through their spokesman General Secretary, Bishop Juan Antonio Martínez Camino - rushed to ensure that D. Juan Carlos, in contrast to politicians voting in parliament for the abortion law is not excommunicated , as the kings are not subject to the same moral evaluations. Needless to say clearly that the view which has Martínez JE Bishop, it is not Christian, but throughout the pagan concept of "god-king" standing that the "beyond good and evil." In fact, the opposite is true: the kings are not only that, like all other mortals, the same moral standards and the same rules of canon law, but even assume greater responsibility by virtue of their dignity. "Who was responsible for more, since more will be required" (St. Isidore, sententiae, Fr. III, L, 5); already Scriptures. says: "waiting Strengths strong punishment" (Wis 6, 6). By signing the bill dozwalającą killing the innocent, the potential subjects, the Constitutional Head of State undoubtedly gave the excommunication latae sententiae and the adoption by him (and give him) the Holy Communion. would be a terrible sacrilege and scandal.
In the dynastic right now, "the legitimacy of origin" ( legitimidad de origen ) of D. Juan Carlos I to the throne was not the strongest, his enthronement he owed more voluntarism General Franco and his tragic mistake that will not designate a liberal. Now, after the above-mentioned embezzlement within the powinnościom King Catholic Church, in particular the participation of the latter the crime of infanticide in the legislative process should be obvious that he has no moral right to the throne in order, "the legitimacy of the exercise (ejercicio de legitimidad ). The only hope for Spain would be the focus of all the righteous Spaniards at the same Prince, who not only is the depository of monarchical legitimacy and the Guardian of Tradition ( Abanderado de la Tradición ), but his entire life, constantly proves that Prince is a true Catholic, who is certainly not promulgowałby dzieciobójczej Act - D. Sixto Enrique de Borbón y Borbón-Busset, Prince Aranjuezu, infancia Spain Community Regencia traditionalist.
¡Abajo del Usurpadora, Juan Carlos!
¡Viva el Rey Legítimo, Sixto Enrique!
Conservative Club president in Lodz
Assoc. Jacek Bartyzel
President of the Polish Official Group
Nickel Classifieds - Classifieds, 6 March AD 2010
Editors' Counter-Revolution, "found that - due to the remarkable accuracy of this text - it should be (on the Rights of the exception) posted on the website of the magazine.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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What is courage and how should we mean nowadays? This is probably the most obvious question that come to mind when you reflect on another discussion in this cycle, the cardinal virtue. Think of the courage we see before us stalwart of the early Christians devoured by wild beasts in the arena of the Roman circus, the crusaders remind us unmindful of adversity, but go ahead zdążający Holy Land.
rightly admire in history, but sometimes we forget about the present. It was almost like since then something has changed. How wrong thinking is characterized by are people starting to consider each problem from the phrase "today." The question asked at the beginning of this text deliberately formulated incorrectly. Should be: What is courage and how we should understand them? Courage is a virtue, and virtue remain unchanged. We understand the courage just like St. Cecilia, the same as St. Louis. There is no reason why we should think otherwise. Certainly, others will be our actions, but should follow the same motivation.
Courage is - as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches (1808) - Moral virtue that gives perseverance in difficulties and constancy in the continuation of the good. Strengthens decision to resist temptation and overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables them to overcome fear, even fear of death, to face trials and persecution. The same virtue, by which the early Christians boldly chose to die a martyr, podrywała medieval knights to fight for the conquest of the Holy Land. Acquiring this virtue is also our duty. Even if it is not required for us to die for faith (although it is not so obvious), and so we must be characterized by unyielding attitude of the knight of Christ, who are not afraid of any adversity. Sometimes it manifests itself in normal everyday situations where we have the courage to admit to the faith, when we defend against attacks by detractors of the Church, when the urge our loved ones, if they act inappropriately.
This strength, the courage, which sometimes manifests itself in small things, and sometimes the sacrifice of life, can be obtained in only one way: through prayer, formation and joining the Sacraments. Only a man open to the grace of God and completely and in the daily overcoming themselves subordinated to the will of God, the only man who entrusted to the care of the Blessed Mother, but this can be truly courageous. Courage is not the fact bravado - is a noble and resolute attitude of an orderly life.
Cesare Ripa describes the symbolic figure of courage:
husband in adulthood, in a golden robe, on his right hand holding a laurel wreath and scepter, left gładzący lion leaning on his left side. He is dressed in gold, because gold is refined in the fire, so the perfection of man is hardened in the fire of hatred podżeganej by envy or fortune. It gives him a scepter, as governments and the reign of bravery owe everything correctly. Wreath of laurel, which is always green and never fade, shows a man valiant duty, in the sense that the nil conscire Sibi, palescere nulla culpa (I do not suffer from any blemishes, have a clear conscience - translation Niemcewicza), in the words of Horace in Letters as this "flaw" [pale] in danger is little sign of bravery. Cherished its lion indicates that it is a truly courageous act of a reunion of hearts of wild and cruel people by persuading them to kindness and courtesy by the particular deprivation of their bad habits and unpleasant manners.
Filip Maria Muszynski
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-
What is courage and how should we mean nowadays? This is probably the most obvious question that come to mind when you reflect on another discussion in this cycle, the cardinal virtue. Think of the courage we see before us stalwart of the early Christians devoured by wild beasts in the arena of the Roman circus, the crusaders remind us unmindful of adversity, but go ahead zdążający Holy Land.
rightly admire in history, but sometimes we forget about the present. It was almost like since then something has changed. How wrong thinking is characterized by are people starting to consider each problem from the phrase "today." The question asked at the beginning of this text deliberately formulated incorrectly. Should be: What is courage and how we should understand them? Courage is a virtue, and virtue remain unchanged. We understand the courage just like St. Cecilia, the same as St. Louis. There is no reason why we should think otherwise. Certainly, others will be our actions, but should follow the same motivation.
Courage is - as the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches (1808) - Moral virtue that gives perseverance in difficulties and constancy in the continuation of the good. Strengthens decision to resist temptation and overcome obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of fortitude enables them to overcome fear, even fear of death, to face trials and persecution. The same virtue, by which the early Christians boldly chose to die a martyr, podrywała medieval knights to fight for the conquest of the Holy Land. Acquiring this virtue is also our duty. Even if it is not required for us to die for faith (although it is not so obvious), and so we must be characterized by unyielding attitude of the knight of Christ, who are not afraid of any adversity. Sometimes it manifests itself in normal everyday situations where we have the courage to admit to the faith, when we defend against attacks by detractors of the Church, when the urge our loved ones, if they act inappropriately.
This strength, the courage, which sometimes manifests itself in small things, and sometimes the sacrifice of life, can be obtained in only one way: through prayer, formation and joining the Sacraments. Only a man open to the grace of God and completely and in the daily overcoming themselves subordinated to the will of God, the only man who entrusted to the care of the Blessed Mother, but this can be truly courageous. Courage is not the fact bravado - is a noble and resolute attitude of an orderly life.
Cesare Ripa describes the symbolic figure of courage:
husband in adulthood, in a golden robe, on his right hand holding a laurel wreath and scepter, left gładzący lion leaning on his left side. He is dressed in gold, because gold is refined in the fire, so the perfection of man is hardened in the fire of hatred podżeganej by envy or fortune. It gives him a scepter, as governments and the reign of bravery owe everything correctly. Wreath of laurel, which is always green and never fade, shows a man valiant duty, in the sense that the nil conscire Sibi, palescere nulla culpa (I do not suffer from any blemishes, have a clear conscience - translation Niemcewicza), in the words of Horace in Letters as this "flaw" [pale] in danger is little sign of bravery. Cherished its lion indicates that it is a truly courageous act of a reunion of hearts of wild and cruel people by persuading them to kindness and courtesy by the particular deprivation of their bad habits and unpleasant manners.
Filip Maria Muszynski
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-
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Gregory the Great
In our series dedicated to the presentation of the popes in the fourth issue of" Counter-Revolution "profiles of Leo the Great, we recall the form of a second pope, to whom posterity gave the nickname "Great" or
Gregory I. He came from the family's colorful Roman patricians. It was a family that has several saints, among them parents of St. Gregory, St. Gordie and St. Sylvia. The future pope was born about 540 in Rome. At the turn of 572/573 was elected prefect of Rome, but not held too long this feature, since after the death of his father by all offices and on their estates founded seven monasteries: 6 in Sicily and one in Rome, where it lived and lived his life according to St rule. Benedict. Even then revealed his lack of attachment to worldly goods reflected in the wonderful charity work. Also during the monastic life initiated the venerable tradition of celebrating the 30 days of the Mass. for the dead, which today is known as the Gregorian Masses.
From 579-585 he served an important function in papal diplomacy in Constantinople. He then established himself as a zealous defender of Catholic orthodoxy, as he converted from heresy Eutychiusza patriarch of Constantinople. After returning to Rome, became an adviser to Pope Pelagius II, after whose death was - against his will - elected in January, the Pope 590 years. In the autumn of that year he was ordained.
As Pope has consistently built his authority as secular matters and, above all, in ecclesiastical matters. His pontificate coincided with the period of decline in Italy. St. Gregory's skillful diplomatic action led to peace between the Lombards and Byzantines, and seeing that the population is hungry, he put reformed their possessions and the income they set aside for charitable purposes. Helping the poor with heartfelt concern - Often personally on them. He must also defend the primacy against the deposed Patriarch of Constantinople, but he did so with great humility, as evidenced by the fact that instead of using the existing titles, took the title "Servant of the Servants of God" (this phrase should be understood as analogous to the wording of the "Virgin of virgins," or " forever and ever "). As if this were not enough, he started a mission in northern Europe, especially among the pagan and heretical (Arian) Germanic tribes. It was inspired by the mission St. Augustine of Canterbury and thus gained the faith of the Anglo-Saxons. In addition, stronger discipline among the clergy and monasticism penetration. It is worth emphasizing the merits of St. Gregory was in the field of liturgy. He was standardized and popularized the Roman rite (previously there were many local rites), and contributed to the codification and dissemination of liturgical singing, which is called Gregorian chant.
St. Greg was a great preacher and pastor, but rather a very original thinker. But perhaps that is why his writings served as For centuries the role of textbooks morality, ascetyki, mysticism, and the formation of priests.
Without underestimating the achievements (impressive as the fourteen-year pontificate) St. Gregory should be stressed that its size is also manifested in the personal excellence. His work stemmed from a genuine love for God and others, which resulted in holiness confirmed miracles during his life.
Wlodzimierz Jan Ziolkowski
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-Revolution
In our series dedicated to the presentation of the popes in the fourth issue of" Counter-Revolution "profiles of Leo the Great, we recall the form of a second pope, to whom posterity gave the nickname "Great" or
Gregory I. He came from the family's colorful Roman patricians. It was a family that has several saints, among them parents of St. Gregory, St. Gordie and St. Sylvia. The future pope was born about 540 in Rome. At the turn of 572/573 was elected prefect of Rome, but not held too long this feature, since after the death of his father by all offices and on their estates founded seven monasteries: 6 in Sicily and one in Rome, where it lived and lived his life according to St rule. Benedict. Even then revealed his lack of attachment to worldly goods reflected in the wonderful charity work. Also during the monastic life initiated the venerable tradition of celebrating the 30 days of the Mass. for the dead, which today is known as the Gregorian Masses.
From 579-585 he served an important function in papal diplomacy in Constantinople. He then established himself as a zealous defender of Catholic orthodoxy, as he converted from heresy Eutychiusza patriarch of Constantinople. After returning to Rome, became an adviser to Pope Pelagius II, after whose death was - against his will - elected in January, the Pope 590 years. In the autumn of that year he was ordained.
As Pope has consistently built his authority as secular matters and, above all, in ecclesiastical matters. His pontificate coincided with the period of decline in Italy. St. Gregory's skillful diplomatic action led to peace between the Lombards and Byzantines, and seeing that the population is hungry, he put reformed their possessions and the income they set aside for charitable purposes. Helping the poor with heartfelt concern - Often personally on them. He must also defend the primacy against the deposed Patriarch of Constantinople, but he did so with great humility, as evidenced by the fact that instead of using the existing titles, took the title "Servant of the Servants of God" (this phrase should be understood as analogous to the wording of the "Virgin of virgins," or " forever and ever "). As if this were not enough, he started a mission in northern Europe, especially among the pagan and heretical (Arian) Germanic tribes. It was inspired by the mission St. Augustine of Canterbury and thus gained the faith of the Anglo-Saxons. In addition, stronger discipline among the clergy and monasticism penetration. It is worth emphasizing the merits of St. Gregory was in the field of liturgy. He was standardized and popularized the Roman rite (previously there were many local rites), and contributed to the codification and dissemination of liturgical singing, which is called Gregorian chant.
St. Greg was a great preacher and pastor, but rather a very original thinker. But perhaps that is why his writings served as For centuries the role of textbooks morality, ascetyki, mysticism, and the formation of priests.
Without underestimating the achievements (impressive as the fourteen-year pontificate) St. Gregory should be stressed that its size is also manifested in the personal excellence. His work stemmed from a genuine love for God and others, which resulted in holiness confirmed miracles during his life.
Wlodzimierz Jan Ziolkowski
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-Revolution
Monday, March 29, 2010
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At the beginning of the new academic year is noticeable among the brothers, this special student movement, mobilizing for the urgent applying a promise to his academic duties. The thing is commendable so far, except for empty promises, it will put this ideal into practice. And of course if the drive for knowledge, do not lose sight of the vision of what really counts in life is the most Catholic:
Happy, whom the truth about itself teaches, not by passing the voices and images, but by being things. Thoughts and feelings often deceive us and show incomplete and reality. For what this whole drill puzzles and ambiguities, when the Court, no one to blame for this, that we do not understand something? How silly is that we neglect the important and necessary things, and we involve destructive and frivolous. We have eyes, but not seen.
Why should we worry about division and differentiation? The one who speaks to the eternal Word, is freed from all complexities. Everything comes from one word and everything he says about one thing: this is just the beginning, which speaks to us. Without it, no one will understand and actually do not understand. This, for whom everything is one and it all comes down to one, and who sees that everything is contained in one can be steadfast and continue the peace in God. O Truth, O God, deign to unite me with you in love uninflected. How often disgusts me a lot of what I read and hear: in you is everything I want and I want to. Let the wise men were silent, let them go silent in front of you every creature, Thou alone speak to me. The
who is more focused on themselves and their heart imbued with simplicity, the more the more sublime matters easily realizes he opens up to welcome the light of wisdom. A spirit pure, simple and tenacious not dispersed in the unnecessary bustle, because everything is done for the glory of God, and in the depths of lies, without any personal greed. What bothers you more than the torments and insurmountable heartache? A good and pious man, first put in order its internal affairs, before going to work out. Then they do not distract him to the desires born of the evil inclination, but the deer directs them to nobler plane of reason. And who bravely fights than he who trying to beat yourself? That should be our task: to beat myself really, to become more and more every day mężniejszym, getting better in this fight.
For each of excellence in life stirred something imperfect, and no inquiry is not free from the shadows. Humble yourself confidently knowing leads to God rather than deep scientific deliberation. Knowledge and learning about the world simply is not reprehensible, because they are good in themselves and given to us from God, but always more important is a clean conscience and righteous life. Meanwhile, people trying to get more knowledge than the good life, so err and so little or no internal benefits apply.
[...] It is certain that in time the Court did not ask us what we read but what we did, or Have we just spoke, but if we lived according to God. Well, tell me, where are these all the sages and professors whom you knew so well, as long as they lived and walked in the glow of his knowledge? Their possessions have long since taken away, and do not know if they still remember. During his life seemed great, and this is no longer silent about them.
Oh, how quickly passes the glory of the world! If their lives were consistent with their learning! Then you might say: well, that have investigated and studied. How many of those who cared enough about the service of God, is drowning in an uncertain knowledge of his time. They prefer to be great than humble, therefore, are killed along with his thoughts. Truly great is he who has the great love. Truly great is he who in the depths of feeling small and for nothing has the highest dignity. A truly wise is he who has all earthly things, considers to be rubbish, if only to gain Christ. And a true scholar is one who does the will of God, and renounces his own will.
Thomas a Kempis , About Imitation of Christ, Book I, ch. 3; translation: Anna Kamienska
ed. JJW
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-
At the beginning of the new academic year is noticeable among the brothers, this special student movement, mobilizing for the urgent applying a promise to his academic duties. The thing is commendable so far, except for empty promises, it will put this ideal into practice. And of course if the drive for knowledge, do not lose sight of the vision of what really counts in life is the most Catholic:
Happy, whom the truth about itself teaches, not by passing the voices and images, but by being things. Thoughts and feelings often deceive us and show incomplete and reality. For what this whole drill puzzles and ambiguities, when the Court, no one to blame for this, that we do not understand something? How silly is that we neglect the important and necessary things, and we involve destructive and frivolous. We have eyes, but not seen.
Why should we worry about division and differentiation? The one who speaks to the eternal Word, is freed from all complexities. Everything comes from one word and everything he says about one thing: this is just the beginning, which speaks to us. Without it, no one will understand and actually do not understand. This, for whom everything is one and it all comes down to one, and who sees that everything is contained in one can be steadfast and continue the peace in God. O Truth, O God, deign to unite me with you in love uninflected. How often disgusts me a lot of what I read and hear: in you is everything I want and I want to. Let the wise men were silent, let them go silent in front of you every creature, Thou alone speak to me. The
who is more focused on themselves and their heart imbued with simplicity, the more the more sublime matters easily realizes he opens up to welcome the light of wisdom. A spirit pure, simple and tenacious not dispersed in the unnecessary bustle, because everything is done for the glory of God, and in the depths of lies, without any personal greed. What bothers you more than the torments and insurmountable heartache? A good and pious man, first put in order its internal affairs, before going to work out. Then they do not distract him to the desires born of the evil inclination, but the deer directs them to nobler plane of reason. And who bravely fights than he who trying to beat yourself? That should be our task: to beat myself really, to become more and more every day mężniejszym, getting better in this fight.
For each of excellence in life stirred something imperfect, and no inquiry is not free from the shadows. Humble yourself confidently knowing leads to God rather than deep scientific deliberation. Knowledge and learning about the world simply is not reprehensible, because they are good in themselves and given to us from God, but always more important is a clean conscience and righteous life. Meanwhile, people trying to get more knowledge than the good life, so err and so little or no internal benefits apply.
[...] It is certain that in time the Court did not ask us what we read but what we did, or Have we just spoke, but if we lived according to God. Well, tell me, where are these all the sages and professors whom you knew so well, as long as they lived and walked in the glow of his knowledge? Their possessions have long since taken away, and do not know if they still remember. During his life seemed great, and this is no longer silent about them.
Oh, how quickly passes the glory of the world! If their lives were consistent with their learning! Then you might say: well, that have investigated and studied. How many of those who cared enough about the service of God, is drowning in an uncertain knowledge of his time. They prefer to be great than humble, therefore, are killed along with his thoughts. Truly great is he who has the great love. Truly great is he who in the depths of feeling small and for nothing has the highest dignity. A truly wise is he who has all earthly things, considers to be rubbish, if only to gain Christ. And a true scholar is one who does the will of God, and renounces his own will.
Thomas a Kempis , About Imitation of Christ, Book I, ch. 3; translation: Anna Kamienska
ed. JJW
text appeared for the first time in the fifth issue (September - October 2009) "Counter-
Sunday, March 21, 2010
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