Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ber A Pati Nadidad En Tanga


last of this series discussed in the cardinal virtues is moderation. It should devote more attention to this virtue, because it is not only misunderstood, but openly criticized and fought. While prudence, justice and fortitude, though often translated opatrznie, are yet to recognize the more moderate many people seem to be some mistake.

Just look around, reach for a newspaper or turn on TV, and immediately buries us terms: eat more, talk more, play better, go for the instinct, do not limit yourself, etc. There should be a reflection, if all this is needed at all, or not to be a little limited, if by chance no misuse of material goods, which should serve to the body for life, but so as not to lose perspective of salvation?

disgust I feel when I see people around who are still chasing after a new whim, still think, though even here a more enjoyable life, I still do not eat, where it has not yet been, whether to do everything to ensure you the greatest pleasure?
But I do not dislike these people, but to their deeds. You just can not see how people used to commune with God and called to holiness, defile their souls immortal and do everything to get to the abyss of hell.

Is it so hard to deny the meat on a Friday, to make small order of Advent, to refrain from playing during Lent? Why are so many, being freed from sin by baptism, voluntarily uwikłało in sinful passions tether? Can not see that every sinful pleasure passes and leaves a void, pain and wounds of the soul?

man will undergo his desires presents a picture of a miserable and pathetic. Is unstable, vain and stupid, mostly health deteriorate rapidly, and age, even his own body, to which he adhered throughout his life, he begins to refuse to obey him. Inventing new pleasures, and so does not flinch from najohydniejszymi works, just to even indulge his lewd desires. Finally, when the body dies, instead of at the last moment to turn to God, he will still sin think, from the mere attachment to sin, only to eventually lose your soul in hell.

To avoid such a miserable end, we care about the virtue of temperance, and every day to pray for her and work on it. How to instruct the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1809) - is moderately moral virtue, which allows to control the pursuit of pleasure and provides a balance in the use of temporal goods. In the old Catechism Fr. Peter Cardinal Gasparri, this virtue is called moderation, and was determined even more accurately: Abstinence makes restrained sensual inclinations, and using what is allowed, if we maintain. Please note that our sinful nature, we should fight to dominate it. It is an integral part of our formation.

us work on it every day, even in little things, and by the grace of God we will gain this beautiful virtue. St. Josemaria Escriva recommended to deny yourself something at every meal. Even by such trifles, after all, you can get on the road to sainthood, as all readers I wish with all my heart.

Philip M. Muszynski

Cesare Ripa:

woman in her right hand holding a bit, on the left - the balance clock, in pobok is the elephant. With a curb in one hand and the balance in the second paint it for the sake of illustrating the function of moderation, which is moderation, and temper the various parties according to the time of the soul and this in turn is marked by the rhythm of movement and rest, as it touches the soul is measured by reference to moderation . Pierio (in Fr. 2) makes the elephant the symbol of moderation, as accustomed to a certain amount of food, I never want to exceed this measure, and it just so they, where he used to eat. Thus Plutarch tells us that a certain Lord of Syria ordered his servant, administered every day of the elephant, which had, as grain; servant for many days, however, fed the animal half of the prescribed amount of food. So when one day a servant in the presence of the Lord moved the entire elephant, the full measure of feed that intelligently trunk divided into two parts barley, and one half eaten, as it usually did, and the other left.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-Revolution

How Do I Make A Wedding Seating Chart Template

martyrdom of the Church during the French Revolution In Hoc Signo

hate watching that all sorts of forces have for the progress of the holy Roman Church in our times we see the persecution of the more ancient of the Catholic religion. The enemies of true religion are indeed cunning, but the methods they use and what their goals are pursued - despite the passage of years - very similar and sometimes identical. It is therefore important to look at how to proceed earlier centuries of persecution in order to have no illusions that the persecution will stop today at a moderate stage.

Excellent help in this endeavor is a book St. Jozef Sebastian Pelczar French Revolution against the Catholic religion and its clergy. The author discusses in her brief history of the French Revolution (and sometimes more accurately called a revolution antyfrancuską) with particular reference to the persecution that affected the Church. It is not unreasonable, since one of the fundamental objectives of social transformation planned by the architects of the revolution was precisely to eliminate the influence of the Church on human society and the state.

author discusses extensively the cause of the outbreak of the revolution. Part of them are - unfortunately - errors on the part of kings (especially Louis XV), aristocracy and clergy who are not in every case were the model of conduct for the people. Undeniable impact on the development of the situation, however, had other factors. Well, in France accused of religious education for young people called. classical (strong appeal to antiquity and mythology), also worked there at the time a lot of Masonic lodges, which shortly after import of the movement in England was already about one million people. What's more, throughout the eighteenth century French thinkers hostile act Church and traditional values, like Voltaire and Rousseau, Diderot, and they are met with respect and appreciation of the broad masses (you probably already steeped in Masonic influences).

carrying out its purposes revolutionaries seized all the possible measures. From the beginning, when he convened the Estates General were concerned only with mild reforms that could heal France, and especially its public finances. Soon, however, there was a radicalizing demands and means of action. Soon after the fall of the Bastille was adopted and proclaimed the Declaration of Human Rights, which - as rightly observed by the author - a strange silence, exclude the existence of eighteen centuries of Christianity, which had the greatest contribution to improving the conditions prevailing in these societies. Subsequent moves were becoming more radical and openly that infringes upon the existence of the Church. Abolished the functional material through the abolition of tithes of the clergy, have been erased nearly all the religious and abolished monastic vows.

July 12, 1790 was passed the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which was to reform the political system in the style Calvinist church. Every bishop and priest had in mind the choice of assumptions come from, but he chose his subject to all the inhabitants of the area, including Jews and Protestants. Abolished all previous ways of keeping the clergy, in exchange for the state-set salaries. Those priests and bishops, who swore this constitution were harshly persecuted. What is worse - not all the clergy refused to swearing in it. As you might guess, Pope Pius VI condemned the constitution as the people of Paris received a demonstration and burnt effigies antypapieską representing the pope. Later brought

the beheading of King Louis XVI, and the zeal for "reform" of religion took on more and larger sizes. Reign of terror, as a result of which claimed the lives of many priests and nuns. He then began to practice various methods of mass murder, such as the melting of barges filled with priests in the rivers. They began to introduce some kind of state religion with its own calendar and their own holidays. Religion was officially the cult of reason and freedom, which manifested itself in a humorous and slightly pompous worship of these two values. Moreover, in place of sacred memories down the memories of heroes and sages (ancient and modern) and a variety of feasts in honor of carrot, donkey, etc. Besides, the guillotine became the subject of a bizarre cult. People with great eagerness and delight watched the executions (especially executions of the clergy), a miniature guillotine wore around their necks (rather than crosses), and ears - as earrings.

Persecution of the Church lasted for over ten years. Once were heavier, sometimes a bit lighter. During the reign of Robespierre was a kind of revival of religion (although in a non-Christian) and traditional morality, were alleged persecution of the clergy. Later, however, reverted to persecution. Their size was not smaller than those before Robespierre. Go nearly even that the deceit was imprisoned Pope Pius VI in Rome, was proclaimed a republic. The Pope died in prison 29 VIII 1799, but due to the imprisonment of many of the cardinals could not elect a new pope. It succeeded only 14 III 1800 in Venice, through the intervention of the Tsar's commander Alexander Suvorov. Era of persecution ended in France only 15 VII 1801 with the signing of the concordat.

History of the French Revolution against the Church and the clergy should be our science. Similar phenomena to those which took place at the beginning of the revolution we see today in Poland and the European Union. Further escalation of this process is only a logical consequence of what is happening today. Therefore, no Catholic can not delude ourselves that can not be worse.

Wlodzimierz Jan Ziolkowski

JS Pelczar, French Revolution against the Catholic religion and its clergy , Rzeszów 2005.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

Milena Velba Mit 12 Jahren

vinces - Battle at the bridge muliwijskim

History can surprise you. The first battle in history fought under the sign of the cross was part of a religious war, but political struggles in the pagan Roman Empire. Struggle between Constantine and Maksencjuszem.

situation in the empire was at that time very complicated, many influential leaders and politicians reached to power, took up the fight for dominance. Maksencjusz actually reigned in Rome since 306 years, but his authority was not then recognized by the first of August - Galerius. In the 307 years managed to Maksencjuszowi control Italy and then arbitrarily adopted the title of Augustus.

Constantine, son of tetrarch - Constantius Chlorus - prevailed at that time in Gaul. In 310 years it has obtained approval from Galerius to use the title of Augustus. Soon decided to deal with Maksencjuszem and forbid him to power in Italy.

After victory of Constantine in Susa, Turin, Milan and Verona, the decisive battle took place near Rome - Bridge Mulwijskim. A few days before the battle, Constantine and his army saw in the sky luminous sign of the cross with the words In hoc signo vinces (in this sign conquer). Next night, Christ appeared to the emperor, and ordered the execution of the flag in the likeness of that character. Done so, under the guidance of our Lord's character legionary called labarum. However, on the eve of the battle the emperor had a dream in which he got to put on the shields of his soldiers, "the celestial sign of God" - it was the monogram of Christ composed of the Greek letters "chi-rho."

312 years October 28 Bridge Mulwijskim fought a great battle between Constantine and Maksencjuszem. Maksencjusz prepared at Rome to defend the truth, but decided to deal with Constantine in the field. Led their armies to the north and threw Mulwijskim Bridge over the Tiber, and then followed along the river, but there his troops barred the way of Constantine, which oskrzydliły closed it and trapped between the Tiber and the surrounding hills. In this situation Maksencjusza soldiers fled and died in the river with his chief. The next day, the victorious Constantine entered Rome. Shortly afterwards, the emperor declared himself a subject of the Cross, had also built a statue with a cross in his hands and saying: "In this sign of salvation, a true testimony of courage, have saved your city \u200b\u200band freed them from the tyrant. "

emperor believed that he owes his victory to Christ. A year after these events, issued the Edict of Milan, which made the holy Christian religion has been recognized throughout the empire. This meant the end of the persecution and was a major event in the history of the Holy Church, the Christian basilica began to emerge, develop, places of worship, the Church hierarchy developed, fought against heresies and the fall of pagan idols. Dawn of Christian civilization.

In 312, Constantine did not know yet how important will be the battle at the Bridge Mulwijskim, but nevertheless, still a pagan, trusted Christ - and won. After a lot of good he did for the Church, but the baptism took just before his death. We should remember that today the Holy Cross is the only character who brings a real victory, so nothing in the world can not erase it from our plates.

Filip Maria Muszynski


Max Cary, Howard Hayes Sculard, History of Rome, Warsaw 1992.
Tadeusz Zielinski, Roman Empire, Warsaw 1995.
Dictionary of Roman Emperors, edited by Jan-Prostyński Prostko, Poznań 2001.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

Monday, August 30, 2010

Difference Chenille Velvet

Cross and "The Cross" The Cross

Holy Cross, above all, a tree przenajszlachetniejsze,
in any such forest is not one in which God himself is
sweet wood, sweet nails, luscious fruit bore.

in such beautiful words of praise and describes a cross from the Polish songs Lent. It is difficult is to write about the cross, as it is difficult to understand. This is the greatest, yet simplest known symbol of humanity, a symbol of the redemptive suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, but also a sign of his victory over death.

No wonder that the cross and the crucifixion, has for centuries inspired artists: sculptors, painters, architects, poets and musicians. Crucifixion itself was represented in different ways, depending on the interpretation of the artist. Sometimes we see the figure of Christ twisted from the pain, full of wounds and the blood flowing, sometimes portrayed according to the ideals of classical beauty. Sometimes we cross without any form of the Crucified. We meet him (apart from the performances Protestant) in the monasteries of some meetings, as well as in Opus Dei centers. St. Josemaria Escriva explained that quoting a letter:

"So you rewrite the words of a letter: When you tear your eyes from the microscope, my gaze falls on the black and empty Cross. The Cross without crucified - is a symbol. It has a meaning which others can not. And the one who wanted to stop because of fatigue, seizure, again bends over the eyepiece and is working on. S Cross lonely arms demands that would bore him. "

However, he always remained a constant cross, according to the motto of the Carthusian Order: stat crux dum orbis volvitur (cross stands as the earth revolves.) Its essence is, after crossing the arms that connect heaven and earth, and people together. Are also used to present a cross, which both arms of the cross reaches toward the sky.

Unfortunately, in recent years, many artists began experimenting with the form of the cross. However, every experiment with the form he had so great an end in failure. Modern "cross" is often, unfortunately, did not resemble the cross, at most give rise to long association with him. It is sad that the noble symbol of the cross is so often distorted and even the odd shapes. The theme, which should encourage prayer, reminiscent of the unity and sanctity of the Catholic Church can not be a field for artists to any interpretation.


text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

Scorpio Guy Friend Likes Me

" Many people seem too harsh order: make friends with yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus. However, a much harsher sentence will be, which sounds on the last day: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire" (Mt 25.41). " - Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, Fr. II, ch. Dec

In the pantheon of highly revered idols of our time not the least place is convenience. Handy man goes through life on the line of least resistance, in jeans and sneakers universal, eating at fast food outlets, for birthdays always wishes of health, because health is most important. Sure that your health! Handy man finds health as more important than life, so both in relation to themselves and others, considers that it "worthy" to die than suffer. Of course - he also suffers. Chateaubriand remarked: "Give the poor man all the greatest treasures of the world, to abandon his job, Make, zaspokójcie his needs, and it will take a few months, will again be handed over to grief and hope." In this world you can not because before zgryzotami, so suffering, to escape - a man so comfortable suffer, but suffering in the slightest will not accept. We can say that - "no suffering is suffering. " This is exactly the opposite attitude of the Catholic attitude.

"Vivere militare est" - says a Catholic. Kingdom of Heaven gets a rape. By the suffering of our Lord save the world - and we have to imitate him, denying to themselves and carrying his own cross. Suffering is a great, albeit a difficult, grace - grace commonly wasted. St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina complained once that come to him asking people to pray for their release from suffering. "I do not know that suffering is the most valuable, as they have" - He said. Festivals Faustina said that if the angels could be jealous, jealous of the people it would do two things: the Holy Communion. and suffering. It's just that that suffering has become a treasure that must be endured! It can be likened to a rose that - one piece of soaring - you can offer to God or the Virgin lady. Of course, you can also throw it in the mud, where, instead of soaring act taken a curse ... Beautifully talked about this in one of his sermons St. John Vianney: A priest

sermon he delivered at the hospital to patients - a sermon on suffering. It showed just how pleasing to God, when Christians quietly tolerate their crosses. Science of listening to a man who was ill for many years. After the sermon, the man began to mourn and weep. The priest asked him what happened, if someone did not do him any harm. "No - replied the patient - to anyone I have no regret, only to himself." "What?" - The priest asks, puzzled. "Father, I suffer from so many years and lost all the merit due to my impatience. And if I were calmly endured illness, how great would collect the treasures of eternal life! "

Few people today collect treasures in this way to eternal life - you need to select the atolls, it is not a flaw affecting our day in a special way. Thomas a Kempis already wrote: "Many are now those who would like to find Jesus in the kingdom of heaven, but the few who carry his cross. Many desire consolation, but few of suffering. Many willingly hand in hand with him in the feast, but few in the post. We all want to rejoice with him, but few are ready to cause trouble for him. " It's just that in his time, it was emphasized how difficult it is to get to heaven - and today, many seem to be unfamiliar with the life of mortification and suffering will go straight to heaven. Nothing could be further from the truth. "And the sins of today are just as disgusting in God's eyes as they were in the first centuries of the Church" - St. thundered. Curé of Ars, urging parishioners to repentance: and certainly the last half century (which separate us from the death of the patron saint of priests) did not change it.

Man therefore has to suffer - it sounds cruel, but oh well falls to do another creature that immensity of the suffering Savior Jesus? "You are members of Jesus Christ - posted St. Grignion Louis Marie de Montfort - what an honor! But how much you suffer for that reason! The head is crowned with thorns, and the members would be crowned with roses? The head is buffeted and muddy on the way to Golgotha, and the members were to be anointed with spices on the throne? The head has nowhere to rest, and members of the delightfully wylegiwałyby the feather bed? It would be incredible monstrosity. "

In this context, should be somewhat reversed cited above under Chateaubriand (although this change will remain in harmony with the spirit of Genius of Christianity): Thank God for being on this earth can not escape from suffering! Thank God for that, regardless of social position, the status of the material, from the good reputation - in spite of everything: we all suffer. Are all sorts of human concern and grief, but no one is free from them. So everyone is in the hands of this wonderful weapon to fight for holiness. It remains to skillfully use from it. The ruler of Albania, Prince George Kastriot (called Skanderbegiem) fighting against the Turks was famous for his great strength. Being under the impression, the Sultan of Turkey asked him to show his sword, which the prince was cutting as the poppy heads. And indeed, Kastriot Sultan sent a sword, but neither he nor his servants, they could not even carry weapons. Angered by returning the sword of the Sultan gave Skanderbegowi that it is not possible to make this fight him in battle so that the sultan is not mocked. Skanderbeg said, however: "I showed you a sword, not arm." For nothing so have a good weapon if you can not use the Zen.

St. Josemaria Escriva says, "to love the Cross, that is able to willingly renounce their love of Christ, even if it cost, and because it costs ..."

But today the cross is removed from everywhere. Battles of crosses in public places, classrooms, courts, government is only one layer of issues. Another issue is the voluntary escape from the cross of the Christians themselves. Neglected is the same character the Holy Cross - that is an outward sign of a Christian, by which in the simplest way professes to be the central mysteries of Christian faith (Through words - the mystery of the Trinity, by the shape of the Cross - the mystery of the Redemption). Cardinal Gasparri in his catechism he wrote: "It is useful and even very useful keep up often and devoutly the Cross of the saints, especially at the beginning and end of activities (...) Since the mark when it does belong, is an external act of inner faith, and because he has this power, it stimulates faith conquers human respect, rejects the temptation of sin and danger of turning from God zjednuje other grace. " How much practice is today neglected, no need to argue. Limit ourselves to the simplest example: if at home (though also, unfortunately, less and less), this custom is still practiced by many people which makes the view of saying goodbye before a meal in a restaurant is almost a sensation. Increasingly, Catholics are also unaware obwieszają straight pagan talismans - throwing angle "no original" crosses ...

"Difficult is the life of a Christian today. - Posted Plinio Correa de Oliveira - Respondent to lead a constant battle with himself to live in harmony with the divine commandments, seems to be something bizarre in a world where the highest values \u200b\u200bin life often is considered fun and pleasing their own passions. Pregnancy on the shoulders of our faithfulness to cross your law, O Lord. And sometimes it seems to us that we lack the breath. " So where to draw strength to carry the cross? The Cross of Christ, the example of saints, prayer, the Eucharist.

First, the Passion of Jesus. St. Francis de Sales advised: "Look frequently to the eyes of the soul of Jesus crucified, naked, bluźnionego, spotwarzanego, abandoned, przywalonego any kind of longing, sorrow and suffering. I weigh that all your suffering, both as to quality and the quantity is compared with his sufferings as nothing, and that your suffering for him never match his sufferings for you. " Indeed, the passion of our Lord, we should always have before my eyes, in every situation helps in maintaining a truly Christian moderation. The consoles suffering, in joy bridle. "Let us ask Him to give us such a reminder of the terrible and shameful death and suffering, we deserve a life in His grace, and after the death of His most holy glory. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen "- he prayed St. Saint Bernard. Attained the grace of such a hermit, who (according to Ludolf) appeared nailed to the cross, covered with wounds of the Lord Jesus, saying: "Look at me, and even if your heart was harder than the rocks crumble at the sight of suffering, they have suffered for the sins of mankind ".

Second, the example of the saints. Countless martyrs of Christ bore in His name torments incomparably more terrible than our small trouble. "Look, my dear friends of the Cross - posted St. Louis Marie de Montfort-Grignion the crowd of Apostles and martyrs, their scarlet-coated blood of virgins and so many followers, stripped, humiliated, exiled, odtrąconych. " And today there is no lack of Christians worldwide who suffer real persecution in many parts of the world - forgetting about them, we repeat with St. Paul. Francis Salezym: "Verily, my pains are the rest, and my thorns of roses in comparison to all those who are without placing, without consolation, without relief, they live in constant death, squeezed incomparably more severe afflictions. "

Thirdly, with the prayer. In the words of St. Fr. Luigi Orione, "Do not let us ask Jesus to free us from the anxieties and crosses, because that would be the biggest misfortune. Let us ask him, rather, that we always fulfill His will only, as it will be made known to us by the holy church. " Prayer for obedience and strength to carry the cross has great power. However, "the grace that God never refuses, is unable to make what they can not make the ordinary natural forces' (Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira).

Fourth - and foremost - the Eucharist. The great preacher, Hungarian, Tihamer Toth, cried: "Do not be discouraged, do not lose heart when Christ leads us to the rocky road of suffering and asks: Do you want to drink to the bottom of this cup of suffering? Do not be frightened by this question! Uklęknijmy before the Eucharist and us answer: You know, Lord, that I want ... I can ... strictly speaking ... and if I do not know, you teach me how you love suffering. Give me strength, I partaking of your Precious Body and Blood, may at any time, humbly lean the cup of suffering, as thou hast drank it taking at the hands of the Father. Let that Eucharist be to me by the needs of real life. "

As Thomas a Kempis wrote, "If a man will give away all his property, did nothing, if you atone for his sins, has done little, if the gain all the knowledge, still has a long way, if it becomes a very virtuous and pious fervor, still not reached its goal, because he did not do what is most important. So what should this be done? Given up everything, let him renounce himself, and having abandoned himself, abandons all self-love. " For, "God, we must give everything, absolutely everything, and when we give it all - we should give even our own lives' (Plinio Correa de Oliveira).

But when his cross unite man with God's will through an act of obedience (fiat!), just filled with joy and peace (St. Josemaria Escriva). "If you are willing to carry a cross, he also thee carries and carry the desired goal, where he will end the suffering that there's no end "(Thomas a Kempis).

ed. PTW

Looking at the cross on which hung the Savior, special tours of these considerations have made St. Louis Marie de Montfort Grignion. This great saint, troubadour of Mary, the apostle of the Rosary, was also the guardian of the associations of Friends of the Holy Cross, which founded in France in the course of his apostolic activity in the early eighteenth century. His biographer, Grandet, noted: "Mr. Grignion (...) tried to instill a love of all crosses, regardless of what would be the type, temporal or spiritual, such as illness, abuse, humiliation, contempt, etc. I proclaim this great truth even more effectively their own actions and words." For the Friends of the Cross sent a magnificent circular letter in which the above quotations from St. Louis Marie. The interested reader will find this an invaluable treatise, among other great works of the Holy Scriptures in his chosen, issued in 2008 by Marian Publishing MIC.

Text appeared for the first time in the number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

Friday, August 27, 2010

Simi Grewal Changing Clothes In Mera Naam Joker

struggle for the salvation of the cross

Judgement of the Court in Strasbourg on crucifixes in Italian school coincided with the theme of this issue of" Counter-Revolution, "giving him even more unexpected news. Top columnists Catholic naświetlili this issue sufficiently, however, and we add a few words - next whole number devoted to a broader look at the issue of the Cross.

"sign of contradiction" clearly offended the creators of the new European order, but fortunately in defense of the cross can still stand a great strength. In Italy, outraged slap in the face of Christianity, in effect, effective reaction posing crosses in the cities, hanging them in schools, town halls, offices. That is encouraging. Also in Poland, barely wicked native decided to follow the example of Italian counterparts, they were given resist - at least so far. There has been so completely forgotten Mickiewicz sentence: "Only the Cross, just under that mark - Poland is Polish, and the Pole Pole."

On the other hand, one can not see that happening more and more worse. Since the enemies of Christianity have come to such a terrifying audacity, slowly, everything becomes possible. Gilbert Keith Chesterton wrote about the hatred of the cross, leading to the destruction of everything. Since the hide or destroy all have crucifixes, stay after intersecting beams in the attic, arranged in the pattern of the cross walls of brick, will remain the intersection - and the mad destroyer will not be able to everything zdzierżyć. Is this going to Europe? Cross insults Italian student! His country is filled with the most wonderful works of art - Christian art. His nation has a divine comedy of Dante - but the cross is to be an insult to him!

will also insult those who follow the Crucified. I probably will reheat password "pray at home on the sly." Perhaps making a court will treat the cross as smoking: it will be allowed only in designated areas ... But we must remember that the right is not absolute. Ancient Rome was after all his "legally adopted" law: it expressly forbade Being a Christian - under pain of death. Over all human codes, more than constitutions, and even more than the European Union Reform Treaty - is unchangeable law of God. And according to the rules of the law: if the two provisions stand together in a collision, to be observed that a higher rank.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

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Dear Reader,
sad reality was good supplement to the main theme of the previous issue of" Counter-Revolution - here at the University of Wroclaw projection were to be homosexual ( sic ) porn film ( sic ). At the last moment managed to prevent a scandal, actually - lessen it a bit. It is also a small but tangible, successful Wroclaw Crusade - Young people in Public Life, which reported the matter to the university. Of course, after the intervention of the Rector, the projection could not be reached. Unfortunately, we could not have prevented pochwalnemu lecture about homosexual pornography ... As you can see, the idea of \u200b\u200bacademic crisis goes deeper than we presented in the previous "Counter-Revolution."

This issue we devote particular theme of the Cross, considered in different contexts - the symbol of Christianity on the cross, which we all must bear. St. Grignion Louis Marie de Montfort noted that in this quotation of the Gospel (Mt 16.24; like: Luke 9, 23) sum up the whole Christian perfection: "Si quis vult post venir me, abneget semetipsum, et tollat \u200b\u200bcrucem suam, et sequatur Me! . " So we have to first want to become a saint ("If anyone wants to go me "), then give up (" let him deny himself "), suffer (" take up his cross "), and finally - work (and follow me").

The theme fits in perfectly with the number of Philip M. Muszynski article devoted to the first battle fought under the sign of the cross. Text that we hope to begin a new series devoted to important battles in the history of Christianity.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-

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Let Praised be Jesus Christ!

Notice attention to two events that took place between the close of the previous and the present issue of "Counter-Revolution." At the end of September, ended in the first instance, the process of thousand of Alicja against "The Guest Niedzielnemu. Leading Catholic publicists sea of \u200b\u200bink spilled on this issue, so we will not comment on it longer, stop at pointing out. October 11, President Kaczynski signed the EU Reform Treaty - the ceremony that, by all means, moreover, reminiscent of the signing of the Treaty of Partition, then someone put the inkstand to uniemożliwoć sign them. Now also refused to obey the presidential pen, unfortunately, as the King Poniatowski, today President Kaczynski did not stop before the infamous signature. Poland pushes herself in the hands of a totalitarian monster, built on the philosophy of Rousseau and Voltaire. Conviction "will be on Sunday" is just an innocent harbinger of what awaits us - let's not have illusions about it. In contemporary Europe, being a Catholic is no longer legal. In the recently published (Prohibit, Warsaw, 2009) book of prof. Roberto de Mattei dictatorship of relativism, we find an interesting passage: Between
Christianity and secularism, there is no antagonism to overcome. The contradiction referred to, has its roots in the Christian concept of history. The church, like its founder himself, remains a "sign of contradiction" (Lk 2, 34) and can not come to terms with what we call "the spirit of this world." One reason for the weakening of Catholicism in the second half of the twentieth century is the destruction of the Christian vision of fighting. This also entails the collapse of a healthy theology of history. (...) Many Catholics changed their attitude to contemporary Indeed, taking with her from the ground are false, because they can deliver anything good dialogue. What are the effects can be overlooked if only that the process of de-Christianization in general is not slowed down. Hostility toward religion, but reached such proportions that, quite excusable way to talk about "chrystofobii" and also about the phenomenon, which gave the title of this book - the "dictatorship of relativism."
Followers of the doctrine of "anti-Christianism" to seek to completely eliminate all traces of religion Christian in public life. Apply this to most ordinary psychological terror and repression from one court to the other, which can mean only one thing - that this is a prelude to a new era of persecution of Christ's disciples.
Although these words sound ominously, do not forget that it is nothing new for us. Indeed, the contradiction referred to, has its roots in Christianity. The Roman Empire was very open to "dialogue" with Christianity - we would not have participated, even the one God, just next to the reigning villain, to its pantheon. "Intolerant" uncompromising proved to be Christians, however. And today they should be like that. "We face a hard and cruel war - said St.. Cyprian - We, the soldiers of Christ, we must always be ready for the worst. "
Piotr Tadeusz Waszkiewicz

text appeared for the first time in the number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-