Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ber A Pati Nadidad En Tanga


last of this series discussed in the cardinal virtues is moderation. It should devote more attention to this virtue, because it is not only misunderstood, but openly criticized and fought. While prudence, justice and fortitude, though often translated opatrznie, are yet to recognize the more moderate many people seem to be some mistake.

Just look around, reach for a newspaper or turn on TV, and immediately buries us terms: eat more, talk more, play better, go for the instinct, do not limit yourself, etc. There should be a reflection, if all this is needed at all, or not to be a little limited, if by chance no misuse of material goods, which should serve to the body for life, but so as not to lose perspective of salvation?

disgust I feel when I see people around who are still chasing after a new whim, still think, though even here a more enjoyable life, I still do not eat, where it has not yet been, whether to do everything to ensure you the greatest pleasure?
But I do not dislike these people, but to their deeds. You just can not see how people used to commune with God and called to holiness, defile their souls immortal and do everything to get to the abyss of hell.

Is it so hard to deny the meat on a Friday, to make small order of Advent, to refrain from playing during Lent? Why are so many, being freed from sin by baptism, voluntarily uwikłało in sinful passions tether? Can not see that every sinful pleasure passes and leaves a void, pain and wounds of the soul?

man will undergo his desires presents a picture of a miserable and pathetic. Is unstable, vain and stupid, mostly health deteriorate rapidly, and age, even his own body, to which he adhered throughout his life, he begins to refuse to obey him. Inventing new pleasures, and so does not flinch from najohydniejszymi works, just to even indulge his lewd desires. Finally, when the body dies, instead of at the last moment to turn to God, he will still sin think, from the mere attachment to sin, only to eventually lose your soul in hell.

To avoid such a miserable end, we care about the virtue of temperance, and every day to pray for her and work on it. How to instruct the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1809) - is moderately moral virtue, which allows to control the pursuit of pleasure and provides a balance in the use of temporal goods. In the old Catechism Fr. Peter Cardinal Gasparri, this virtue is called moderation, and was determined even more accurately: Abstinence makes restrained sensual inclinations, and using what is allowed, if we maintain. Please note that our sinful nature, we should fight to dominate it. It is an integral part of our formation.

us work on it every day, even in little things, and by the grace of God we will gain this beautiful virtue. St. Josemaria Escriva recommended to deny yourself something at every meal. Even by such trifles, after all, you can get on the road to sainthood, as all readers I wish with all my heart.

Philip M. Muszynski

Cesare Ripa:

woman in her right hand holding a bit, on the left - the balance clock, in pobok is the elephant. With a curb in one hand and the balance in the second paint it for the sake of illustrating the function of moderation, which is moderation, and temper the various parties according to the time of the soul and this in turn is marked by the rhythm of movement and rest, as it touches the soul is measured by reference to moderation . Pierio (in Fr. 2) makes the elephant the symbol of moderation, as accustomed to a certain amount of food, I never want to exceed this measure, and it just so they, where he used to eat. Thus Plutarch tells us that a certain Lord of Syria ordered his servant, administered every day of the elephant, which had, as grain; servant for many days, however, fed the animal half of the prescribed amount of food. So when one day a servant in the presence of the Lord moved the entire elephant, the full measure of feed that intelligently trunk divided into two parts barley, and one half eaten, as it usually did, and the other left.

text appeared for the first time at number 6 (November - December 2009) "Counter-Revolution


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