editorial seventh number
Laudetur Iesus Christus!
In the sixties, one of the dignitaries of the church, seeing the proposed changes in the liturgy, said that the new Mass. Mass will be for women and children. Indeed, one of the most visible - and most painfully felt - the elements of the crisis in the Church has been in recent decades, the outflow of men. The churches are seen far more women (except for traditional Masses), and it is tailored to their rhetoric of most of today's preachers. This creates a distorted vision of Christianity; vision altogether unattractive for a normal man. Too little attention is paid to the struggle that every Christian has fought - against Satan, the world and the flesh. And yet the fight is on one side of what men love most - on the other what to achieve salvation is necessary: \u200b\u200bThe Kingdom of God is acquired after all, very much.
Saints men in history - how they differ! Kings and beggars, prostaczkowie thinkers and, Knights and Inquisitors, monks and fathers. However, they all had one thing: they were soldiers Chrystusowymi. Each of them fought, life and death - the devil, with the world and the flesh. Now dominates the tendency to represent the saints as cukierkowo sweet, somewhat mindless, grown infants. It is hardly surprising that so few artists such as distorted snatches (and if someone grabs - is to what?) ... Ignatius Loyola had no means want to become a saint - he and his holiness is not to be associated with something worthy gentleman and an officer. But when he was wounded in battle, and for a long time to remain in bed, he reached out of boredom the lives of the saints - and was amazed. These people fought the fight more difficult and incomparably more glorious than the earthly battles! Spurred by the example of Ignatius he abandoned his military career, has developed a strategy for action, murderous war declared its weaknesses, passions, sins, and eventually founded a new order, which had for a long time to be a real army of the Pope. Many men, however, there have also serving to holiness in the Earth's army. Excellent Hungarian preacher, Fr. Tihamer Toth, cites the example of the disaster Napoleon in Russia: Napoleon celebrates the cemetery, a shroud of snow-strewn field. Suddenly in the distance, poor light pierces the darkness. He sends in this direction aide: "See what it." After a moment, sent back. "Sire, a colonel in the tent Drout watches and prays." Bonaparte, however, the enemy of the Church, the first occasion he was promoted Drouta, thanking him for his strength of spirit into this spooky night. Cistercian Fr Chautard, author of excellent works of ascetic life and inner spirit of the apostolate, repeatedly refers to other French military, living in holiness. We know, moreover, many examples of holy men still in the early centuries of Christianity.
Fellowship of Saints is against those who fought throughout his life. With varying degrees of success - even they fell down - but with a consistent, passionate hatred for sin. They fought to the death - because everyone would rather die than sin. These men should be Catholic. Both those who live in chastity are exclusively the service of Christ - and those who serve Him, being fathers of families.
Peter Tadeusz Waszkiewicz
text appeared for the first time in the seventh issue (January - February 2010) "Counter-
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