Friday, May 13, 2011

How To Create Your Own Wwe Title Belt

IT Key Competencies (end of course), daily vs

This week marks my deadline for completion of the course information euroKobieta (15/02/2011 - 15/05/2011). I'm glad I persevered and completed the whole training, although at times difficult, boring, laboriously and frustrating ... I must admit that with my regularity was also different, because in the last two weeks of the course almost every day made up for deficiencies. At the end of the period expiring three months I've got enough of all computer and computer programs ... But in spite of everything - you've done:) and as you promised, Marek, All the following modules:

compulsory subjects:
1) Basics of working with Microsoft Office Word 2007 (OpenOffice Writer);
2) Basics Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 (OpenOffice Impress);
3) Basics of working with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (OpenOffice Calc).

Optional Courses (choose two):

1) Microsoft System Administration Windows XP Professional/2003;
2) Use of IT in the enterprise and government;
basics of information security;
use of Internet technologies;
5) Internet advertising market and electronic
6) Fundamentals of Computer Graphics;
7) Web Design;
8) Network technologies;
9) Systems of teleworking;
10) Project Management;
11) Databases and engineering data; ;

Focus, which I liked, and probably useful to me in the future: MS Office, HTML, CRM, Web technologies (IP, domain, Google Earth), Photoshop, CMS, Joomla!;
course positively surprised me: extensive subject (ie a bit of everything), expertly prepared materials, accessible system of e-learning, high expectations (reports and quite difficult tests), offer to acquire "decent" certificate;

topics, which I did not like and probably not useful me in the future: encryption techniques, logic (the massacre of the Humanist), Google AdWords, online communication (complete abstraction for the uninitiated), databases (too hard for me);
negatively Rates I was surprised by the detail selective materials (eg, one department was too detailed, and the second too general), the degree of difficulty of laboratories (some too difficult), niedoprecyzowanymi tasks (and sometimes do not know what it really needs to be done), low activity, eg staff Forum (to correspond questions and dispel doubts ew);

course is really worth the time spent. Even if only some knowledge is useful in the future, it will always be a case that you can recall and expand as your needs. Many also said it is worth certificate (with a supplement) - is not only a "paper" to the collection, but also the actual argument in the case of the recruitment procedure. I recommend all kobietkom do the course, so long as they are measures of the EU)


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