Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gummi Bears 90's Blue Package

In the sixties of last century, many Catholics has been the illusion that the church has no enemies. Poorly conceived love for the world led to the fact that the average Catholic, completely ceased to be assertive. Despite this, however - as noted in his new book, Roberto de Mattei - even though Catholics have changed their attitude, practicing a policy of dialogue and the outstretched hand, the modern world is in no way changed his attitude to the Church.

Relativism is defined as a philosophical view proclaiming the relativity and subjectivity of knowledge, as well as the values \u200b\u200band ethical evaluations. This view gained particular popularity in the second half of the twentieth century, although it can also show his earlier triumphs (eg room Augsburg of 1555 and Rule cuius region, eius religio ). The term dictatorship of relativism, Cardinal used. Joseph Ratzinger in his homily 18 April, 2005. The current pope said in her confession a clear faith, in accordance with the creed of the Church, is often known as fundamentalism. However, relativism, that is giving up "every powiewowi science", appears as the only attitude worthy of the modern era. Formed a kind of dictatorship of relativism that recognizes nothing as definitive and as the only measure of things leaves only the self and its desires.

manifestation of the dictatorship of relativism is increasingly common departure from the natural law - which the Creator has planted in every human soul - for the positive law wydumanego by political entities. That has happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, as well as now happens in the entire "civilized" world, who considered a basic human right to kill an unborn child or the freedom from the presence of the cross. An excellent example of a dictatorship of relativism is calling homosexual unions "marriages" or "families" - contrary to the apparent meaning of these words. Quid est veritas ? - asked Pontius Pilate (question de Mattei called the first documented act of relativism) - Today the question common to hear the two answers: either that there is no truth, either - that is their lot ("I've got your truth, you have your ..."). The dictatorship of relativism

appears at the same time more brutal dictatorship. De Mattei gives some examples from the year 2007 - among them also cited the European Court of Human Rights in Thousand against Poland. Particularly frightening, however, is that during those two years the situation has gone much further. In Britain, espoused a law prohibiting discrimination against any person in employment - new law will also apply to the Church. This means that the bishop who ordained a priest refuses women or gay - can be punished with fines and imprisonment. Parallel legislation is introduced, according to which the crosses are gone even from the private Catholic schools and clinics. After taking power in the U.S. by Barack Obama as the United States dramatically accelerated in the revolutionary race. The fresher they are the words of caution, Dictatorship of relativism which the author directs his readers: "We have to be convinced that in this case can not be neutral either described the process will be deepen and lead to the persecution of Catholics, and anyone who defends the natural law, or as a result of our strong opposition will stop the process of de-Christianization, and start the reconstruction of society based on the principles of natural order and Christian. "


Roberto de Mattei, the dictatorship of relativism , Prohibit, Warsaw 2009.

Prof. Roberto de Mattei, pupil and assistant to the philosopher Augusto Del Noce, the most important Catholic thinkers of our time. Directs the Chair of the University of Cassino in modern history, he lectures in the history of Christianity and the Church at the European University in Rome. He is the creator of the Cultural Centre of Lepanto - an association of lay Catholics acting in defense of the principles and Christian civilization and the editor of the monthly "Radici Cristiane." As an expert on liturgy, attended at the invitation of Cardinal. Joseph Ratzinger, in a liturgical conference in the traditional Benedictine abbey Fontgombault in France. Polish reader is known for its excellent biography Plinia Correa de Oliveira Crusader of the twentieth century, published by the Institute of Fr. Peter's actions in 2004.

text appeared for the first time in the 7th edition (January - February 2010) "Counter-Revolution


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