Knights of Christ [...] can not fight terror weapon in defense of the Lord, without fear of sin, when they kill an enemy, or condemnation, if they shall fall. Do you touch their death, or other icons will deal it will always be a death in the name of Christ, it does not include anything wicked, it is very commendable.
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, De Laude Novae militiae
guess everyone normally developing boy experiences in my life period of fascination with the ideal of the knight. In addition to the cladding of sticks, cardboard constructing przywdziewaniem armor and coats sheets and curtains, it also manifests itself (usually) in awe, admiration, and the powerful desire to imitate the attitudes, which is subordinate to that ideal. Values \u200b\u200bthat constitute it: honor, courage, love of truth, undying loyalty, and above all, a strange marriage of life and devotion to armed struggle, charms and impresses an indelible mark on the soul, shaping our typically male way of experiencing their own religion. Many of us, this bias does not leave the children throughout their lives, sometimes turning into a passion.
unusual form of entertainment
For this passion was born Traffic Knight - who, in simple words can be defined as an attempt odtwórstwa material and spiritual culture of the Middle Ages. Groups of men aged twenty to sixty years wrap up their swords, tasakami, massive spars, spend long evenings and nights in wertowaniu scientific and popular positions to assist the exploration of almost every aspect of the middle ages, it seems hundreds of hard-earned gold on a perfectly mapped armor, costumes and recreations of everyday objects, spends long hours, days, weeks, with whole families, without a bed, electricity, sanitation, and the events that take place periodically. Why? There is a moment to feel what they felt the people of the Middle Ages to learn about their world in great detail. It is fitting to ask ourselves at this point the question whether the movement Knight has anything to do with Counterrevolution?
Cross Appointed
Crucesignatus it from Latin, literally "marked by a cross." As determined by the Crusaders. Would be trivial to explain the origins of that name - a sign of the cross przyszywanego by the participants Crusades in the chest. Cross quickly became inseparable in both the emblem of the Knights of the Holy Land - as well as in Europe. Graced not only the cote d'arme - a robe worn on the armor, a cloak or shield religious brethren - almost every piece of equipment knight symbol alluded to this - ranging from the shape of a sword through the decorations, the vents in their helmets. Everything was subordinated to the symbolism of that sacred character - in a word - "marked by a cross." This wording, however, becomes for us, members of the Movement of the Knights of particular importance: it is identical with that stigma, the I mentioned in the introduction. As the crusaders, so we, reconstructing the culture of the Middle Ages, we have been stigmatized by the signum crucis. This requires from us a different perspective of perceiving the surrounding reality, than is suggested by the modern world. In order to thoroughly fulfill the designated purpose, we have to accept the perception of people living in medii aevi teocentryczne universe, starting from scratch: building a hierarchy of values, where the summit is the Almighty, the Triune God. Faith in Jesus Christ and live participation in his church is a sine qua non of any possible reference to the heritage of our beloved era. Just as the crusaders, so we, the modern knights, not live to regret the Cross, I do not regret it, if necessary, die for Him.
Back knighthood
Top Military Movement in Poland dates back to the seventies of last century, the castle is considered the cradle of Golub-Dobrzyn, which is held the first tournament. For twenty years, this pastime was treated as a sui generis exotic. The change brought (with not quite clear reasons - perhaps prevalence of Internet access) the beginning of the new century - the number of people actively involved, and the audience tournament has grown exponentially - enough for that today in a staging of the Battle of Grunwald participates annually some two thousand participants, spectators are more than one hundred thousand (with each year These numbers are getting better.) Today, the brotherhood of knights can be found in almost every major city a bit. Their members are representatives of various social groups, regardless of gender, age, education. Brotherhood operate dynamically or more sluggishly throughout the year, organizing tournaments, shows, productions, diversifying its presence explore castles, and even conducting educational talks in schools. To this one should mention the mass of the craft - armourers, blacksmiths, tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, carvers, coopers, and many many others who make their living solely from the provision of members of the Movement of the Knights of their services and products.
Middle Ages in the XXI century
During the season, lasting usually from May to late September, takes part in several events related with the reconstruction of the Middle Ages. They are usually a few days - from Friday to Sunday, or longer, as in the case of reconstruction of the Battle of Grunwald. During these escapades we try to present no longer exists - sleeping in tents, sewn on the basis of drawings, from natural materials, these are set on the model of war camp, surrounded by elements of the wooden fortifications. The interior of the tent is usually equipped with a wooden or wicker crates and mattresses which are equivalent to the field of mattresses with straw or hay napchanych. Furnaces with boilers for cooking food for us to suffice for the kitchen, the boards pozbijane tables kobyłkach zydelki seating and replace refined gourmet stores. Time passes in the tournaments, trying to make music, visits to pubs and stalls where you can buy a variety of better or worse crafts. An important element of becoming - as the annual event in Grunwald - daily Masses in the Chapel Field (now in their organization deals with Piotr Koc Dąbrowa coat of arms). All this allows for a moment away from the world around us, to experience the comforts and discomforts of everyday extraordinary medieval soldier.
Preparation for participation in the reconstruction events take a very long time - In terms of accuracy - in fact not at all ends. There is always a detail that requires refinement, the element that would like to upgrade, replace, tuning. We all strive for perfection - the so-called. "Ultras" have costumes from traditional woven materials, natural dyed, hand-sewn linen thread, decorated with forged or molded ferrules, or buttons, decorations. The same is the case of armor, which is very much a faithful representation BASED ON excavations, museums and drawings, as well as technique. Honestly I must admit that in terms of financial - it is time bottomless pit, but the satisfaction of the effects of solicitous care is very much worth the effort and sacrifices. Beginner Military Movement participant may of course be limited to basic equipment - clothing, bowls, cup and knife, and may well derive much satisfaction from active participation in such trips.
Ages in the souls of
As for people working in the Knight's Movement, the matter leaves much to be desired. Unfortunately, many (most?) Persons involved in the restoration of Middle Ages, it has much in common as today's meaning of the term "social justice" by justice. People, indeed fascinated by some aspects of material culture of the era, completely exclude the achievement of its spiritual, deriding them, presenting them in a distorting mirror, expressing to them without the little respect. Not only that, there is no shortage of them blasphemers and heretics. Quite often their way of playing recalls the history of Woodstock, and attending events just to have fun, give vent to the original instincts. Fortunately, a large (and - more recently explicitly are observed - an increasing) part of our community really feels the spiritual climate of the Middle Ages. What surprised us move comforting news of another "converted" to the traditional liturgy of a friend who stumbled on it in their search for real medieval spirituality. Contacts with such persons not only allow you to assert themselves in their own beliefs, but also very developed through the exchange of eksperiencyj gained in the process of exploring the history, since we are so to speak, from the kitchen.
stereotypes to deny
It is also worth to mention the reactions of people engaged in movement Knight, which remains in the closer or further contacts. Reconstructing the family and their friends, acquaintances, they often join the ranks of the guilds, enchanted experience it offers to participate in odtwórstwie history. Similarly, viewers who sometimes whole families come from all over the Polish are provided not only entertainment, fairly high, the ability to learn knowledge that will not find in books, but also an opportunity to revise their views, stereotypes and convictions on the "dark ages". By placing such a tangible bystander in the world media teocentryczny aevum, we have a unique opportunity to demonstrate to them the true wealth of culture, the beauty of the old morality, the hierarchy of values, the importance of honor, faith and the size of our era played - in a word - the fight against deceptive image of the Middle Ages wpajanym people from the earliest years of education. People react very differently - some laughing, some misunderstanding. Sometimes it's difficult to explain to them that what we do is not childish antics. On the other hand kindness viewers, due, I think, with gratitude for diversifying the monotony of everyday life (tournaments, shows frequently take place in small mieścinach where basically nothing is happening), allows for measurable business results for the restoration of honor of the most vilified in the history of the era.
counter-revolutionary lifestyle
sum up, Knight Move is something more than just a hobby. It is a way of life. It helps to shape his own personality on the basis of values \u200b\u200bwhich contribute to the construction of our Christian civilization is difficult to overestimate - Based on chivalric ideals. The answer to the question that I set for myself in the preface of my considerations is, therefore, I think, yes. Traffic Knights can be treated as a fact, a kind of weapon in the struggle with certain aspects of the revolution. Our fight for the identity of today's society must begin with the repair concepts, so shamefully distorted by the forces hostile to us. Reconstructions can do a lot of odkłamywania history oplutej by leftist doctrine, clean the roots of our civilization lies, and myths of weeds defamatory Middle Ages - an era as So far the closest teaching of Christ and the Church, his Mystical Body, the era was built on the solid foundation of the Catholic Faith, the love of the divine hierarchy and order.
Philip Andrew Wlodek
Brotherhood of Knights of the Holy Jerusalem Assault
text appeared for the first time in the 7th edition (January - February 2010) "Counter-
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